Is the Marketing Messed Up?

Hello!  This is Michael Anderle, and I’m helping a friend (Martha Carr) figure out if the marketing for her book Series is good, bad, or “It isn’t the marketing, it’s the book!”

I’m not a thriller writer, regardless of what Martha keeps claiming (I get to type whatever I want, she can’t respond on this page! HA!) so I don’t have direct answers to the question whether or not her book is completely mis-marketed.

You see, her series is really a story of a family flying the finger and sticking together through a horrible conspiracy.  BUT, she was thinking it was more Jason Bourne maybe…Or something (enter Thriller writer here – I don’t know most of them).

So, I told her “Let’s give them away, and ask the fans who read thrillers for their input on what they think the series is good, and what would help them decide to buy / read them.”

And, here we are!

Each link below is good for 50 downloads.  PLEASE, don’t download all books at one time, but rather download book 1, then give us some feedback at my FB page (the post that put you here) or to Martha at her FB page (easier for her).  and then continue with the rest, giving us your opinion EACH download, so we know how (if) it flows for you!

<We need the feedback, so Martha has thick skin – she knows Marketing isn’t her strong point.>

Book Download Links: 

Book 01The List Conspiracy –

AMAZON LINK (for book cover / blurb review – Is the Amazon Page messed up?  Not very intriguing?)


Book 02 – The Traitor’s Revenge –

AMAZON LINK (for book cover / blurb review – Is the Amazon Page messed up?  Not very intriguing?)


Book 03 –The Keeper Returns –

AMAZON LINK (for book cover / blurb review – Is the Amazon Page messed up?  Not very intriguing?)